Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bonnie and Clyde

This is the thrid movie I've watched today. I feel like I have a movie watching disease or something...

Bonnie and Clyde was one of the first movies I saw on my top 250 adventure. I didn't really like it. Really, I just couldn't get over glorifying all the cop killings.

When I watched it, I new nothing about the time it was made, about New Hollywood, the violence and counter culture movement. So I knew I should see this movie again now that I am more knowledge in the essence of the movie.

With all this in mind, the movie is great. Granted, I don't think the cinematography was too good (the editing was fantastic however), and some of the acting was atrocious (Fae Dunnaway was brilliant however), but the new ideas that this movie brought to Hollywood are amazing. The violence (this was the first movie ever to show the shot from the gun and the guy getting shot without cutting, I also heard its the first use of squibs, both are very big deals), the bad guy protagonists, the seemingly lack of a moral sensor, the way the movie pretty much spat on that old Hay's production code. The influence of this movie alone makes it great, even if in some aspects, I don't think it is technically up to par.

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